Condition a Wooden Board

Make sure your wooden boards stay fresh by melting a half teaspoon of beeswax with a cup of mineral oil (or coconut oil) and applying it to the board with a clean cloth. This mixture can also be used to nourish other wooden items e.g salad bowls and servers.


  • 1/2 teaspoon beeswax
  • 1 cup of mineral oil or coconut oil


  1. Melt the beeswax and mineral oil in a double boiler on top of the stove.
  2. When melted, pour the conditioner into a tin or jar.
  3. Apply the conditioner onto the surface of a wooden board with a clean cloth.
  4. Continue to rub in the conditioner until it is all absorbed into the wood.
  5. Use another cloth to buff up the board and remove any remaining residue.